Price per Day
Daily Rate (1-2 days):$149.00
Daily Rate (3-6 days):$119.00
Weekly Rate (7-13 days):$99.00
Bi-Weekly Rate (14-20 days):$89.00
Bi-Weekly Rate (21-28 days):$79.00
Monthly Rate (30 days):$75.00

DISCLAIMER: Daily rates are calculated on a 24-hour period.

Mileage: 100 free miles per day, $.35 per mile over 100 miles driven. Monthly rental includes 2,000 free miles.

Insurance: In most cases your personal automobile insurance policy will cover you while driving a rental vehicle. (Check with you insurance company to verify.) Other insurance coverage can be made available for a nominal charge.

Van Delivery and Pick Up: Convenient door-to-door delivery/pick up is available, please contact us at 800-228-0185 for rates.

Other Charges: Rates do not include gas. Vans are delivered with a full tank of gas. A $3.50 per gallon refueling charge will apply if a van is returned with less than a full tank.

Click here to check for wheelchair van availability.

We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, checks, money orders, or cash.

Our policy is to match any competitors verified rental price.